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Barter Community Hub
Genadi Samokovarov's avatar

Administrating Balkan Ruby

Genadi Samokovarov's avatar
Genadi Samokovarov


Past Events

Barter Community Hub
Radoslav Stankov's avatar

Component-Driven UI

Radoslav Stankov's avatar
Radoslav Stankov
A talk about Component-Driven UI with the help of the view_component Ruby gem.


Hristo Vladev's avatar

Hotwire at Work

Hristo Vladev's avatar
Hristo Vladev
Hristo Vladev is following up his May "Intro to Hotwire" talk with a practical "Hotwire at Work" session. This won't be a talk, but a live code-along. Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire. It's an alternative to the single-page application frameworks like React.


Hristo Vladev's avatar

Intro to Hotwire

Hristo Vladev's avatar
Hristo Vladev
Are you riding the the React Server Components (RSC) hype train? Did you know that you can avoid the whole hydration/de-hydration approach if you leverage plain old HTML? Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire. Some people like it, some even use it, but we are just gonna talk about it. Welcome Hristo Vladev with his Intro to Hotwire to Ruby Banitsa!


Barter Community Hub
Genadi Samokovarov's avatar

RuboCop's Baddest Cop

Genadi Samokovarov's avatar
Genadi Samokovarov
Genadi Samokovarov is going to RubyKaigi in Matsumoto, Japan this year and he's going to talk about RuboCop's Baddest Cop; or, how hard it is (was) to enforce method calls without parentheses. But since you're "my kind of people" (наши хора), you'll get to see the very first edition of this talk, right here in Ruby Banitsa! This talk won't be recorded, come and see it live!


Barter Community Hub
Dimitar Dimitrov's avatar

Mysterious infrastructure

Dimitar Dimitrov's avatar
Dimitar Dimitrov
Dimitar Dimitrov is the Lead of Infrastructure at Dext, Rails Girls Sofia organiser and one of the local Ruby old-timers! Expect a mysterious infrastructure talk! 🔮


Barter Community Hub
Dimitar Dimitrov's avatar

Banitsa with Dimitar Dimitrov

Dimitar Dimitrov's avatar
Dimitar Dimitrov
Unfortunately, Dimitar won't make it today due to health reasons. We'll have a social event instead!


Barter Community Hub
Gabriela Luhova's avatar

Process organization discussion

Gabriela Luhova's avatar
Gabriela Luhova
This is a discussion, not a talk.


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